Easy Intro Lessons from a Computer or Classroom

Do you know who’s great at making kids do stuff and buy stuff? Cartoon characters. Kids will mimic what they see on that TV immediately, and if there’s a choice between a cup with a pink monogram and a cup with a singing snow queen, it’s snow queen all the way. 

Do you know what education hasn’t quite figured out yet? How to use the experts in child persuasion, the people behind the animations, to get kids to learn.  

Luckily, you have figured that out! You’re here in WonderGrove, the world that our CEO, Terry Thoren, has managed and developed based on his experience as CEO of the company that produced Rugrats and The Wild Thornberrys to name a few. WonderGrove is based on the principles of using animation to create connections with characters in order to persuade behavior with just a few short minutes a day.  

When you start using WonderGrove in your classroom, take a few minutes to use our lessons that introduce the characters and talk with your kids to find out which character they are most like! This is a great icebreaker and helps kids form connections with characters and others in their class quickly. 

Here’s Miss Flowers to explain how to get started on introducing the characters.

Remember, if you’re teaching virtually, you can copy and paste a link to the videos in your google classroom OR share your screen on Zoom to have your students watch the videos you choose each day.  My personal preference is to do a character a day with the extension lessons. At the end of the week, I have them write a simple essay on which character they are most like and why!

Janelle Vargo was an elementary intervention specialist for over ten years in Dayton, Ohio.  She has been using WonderGrove animations and lessons for her students both in the resource room and inclusive classrooms since their creation. She currently works as an educational consultant. Janelle has written lessons and articles for private educational companies as well as consulting with companies and school districts looking to make their interventions simple, efficient, and meaningful to children.

She can be contacted at jvargo@wondermediagroup.net.


The Attention Grabber


Three Minutes a Day Keeps Class Going Your Way